Ortho4xp erro
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Ortho4xp erro
Instalai o Ortho4xp , mas ao iniciar, na "caixa preta", esta aparecendo uma msg - " global configuration file not found or corrupted, using factory defaults "
Suspeito que seja algo do arquivo .cfg ( ate cheguei alterar a desta de destino da mesma ) mas nao to encontrando nada na web que possa me ajudar a resolver.
Alguem faz ideia do que esta acontecendo?
Meu .cfg abaixo
# for v 1.19, September 12th 2016 #
# #
# Directory location (ADAPT to your settings !!!)
# I : To use the build overlay function
# Should be a level of directory just above Earth nav data
# and without trailing slash.
# For example, on Linux/Mac (remove the next # if applicable)
# default_sniff_dir = '/home/oscarpilote/XP10/Custom Scenery/zzz_HD_v3'
# or on Windows (remove the next # if applicable)
default_sniff_dir = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\zzz_HD_v3'
# II : The interface "Earth tile map" with right-clic allows you to add/remove
# symbolic link to tiles in your Custom Scenery dir.
# For that you need to tell me where it is located !
# For example under windows(remove the next # if applicable)
Custom_scenery_dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery"
#or on Linux/Mac (remove the next # if applicable)
#Custom_scenery_dir="/media/oscarpilote/X-Plane-ssd/X-Plane-10/Custom Scenery"
# III : if you still wish to rely on gimp for masks (no longer required) otherwise leave as is
# use_gimp=True
# If so then indicate its path
# The next could be a good bet for Windows
#gimp_cmd="c:\\Program Files\\GIMP 2\\bin\\gimp-console-2.8.exe "
#This one for OS X
#gimp_cmd="/Applications/GIMP.app/Contents/MacOS/GIMP "
#And that one for Linux
#gimp_cmd="gimp "
# To have the interface appear with other default parameters at start up
build_dir = "default"
skip_downloads = False
skip_converts = False
verbose_output = True
clean_tmp_files = True
clean_unused_dds_and_ter_files = False
default_website = 'BI'
default_zl = 16
min_area = 0.01
sea_equiv = ['Étang de Berre','Estuaire de la Gironde','Lac Léman']
do_not_flatten_these_list = [] # e.g. ['LFPG','LFMN'] , these will be kept as computed from the elevation file (and probably a bit bumpy)
curvature_tol = 3 # Let us be on the very conservative side here, now that batch builders are out !
no_small_angles = False
water_overlay = True
water_option = 3 # 1 = X-Plane, 2 = Photoreal only, 3 = Mixed
ratio_water = 0.3
masks_width = 8 # one unit is approximately 10m
sea_texture_params = [] # example ['GO2',16], if you wish to use a different provider for the orthos over the sea (zonephoto tiles of french britany were done with this option)
complex_masks = False # is set to True the build_masks process will be longer (because mesh from all nearby tiles will be used), but will not "suffer" from boundary effects
use_masks_for_inland = False # if you want inland water to be treated like sea water (transparency based on a mask rather than fixed)
# This is really a matter of taste, this is just a sample
# to show the syntax, adapt to your taste. NOTE that it requires 'convert' from Imagemagick (otherwise not needed anymore).
contrast_adjust = {} # example {'BI':0,'FR':5,'IT':5}
brightness_adjust = {} # example {'BI':0,'FR':-5,'IT':5}
saturation_adjust = {} # example {'BI':0,'FR':10,'IT':10}
full_color_correction = {} # example {'CH':' -channel R -level 0%,100%,1.05 -channel B -level 0%,100%,0.97 '}
cover_airports_with_highres = False # If set to True then a high(er) ZL square zone around each airport (found at Step 1) will be added as a custom zoomlevel
cover_extent = 1 # extent (km) of the highres zones (added to the bbox containing each airport)
cover_zl = 18 # the zoomlevel used for these zones
# Additionnal parameters for more experienced users, or if something goes wrong perhaps the answer is here...
meshzl = 19 # The maximum ZL which the mesh will support (you can put a lower number if you do not need such zl)
hmin = 20 # Smallest triangle side-length
hmax = 2000 # Largest triangle side-length
smallest_angle = 5 # called min_angle in the graphical interface
water_smoothing = 2 # increase if you find the rivers are not smooth enough
tile_has_water_airport = False # Put to True if an airport with a water boundary does not turn flat correctly
keep_old_pre_mask = False # If set to True, then old unblured masks (whole_tile.png) are used directly without being regenerated before the bluring is made (speed increase if set to True)
use_additional_water_shader = False # remainder of a test, which was not that succesful
use_decal_on_terrain = False # if you want to use decal on top of the orthophoto, they can look good at small altitude
check_tms_response = True # Available as a checkbox in the interface, with it set to True some providers will lead to a dead loop of missed requests if data is not available. On the other hand with it set to False you may end up some times with a few corrupted textures with some white squares.
use_bing_for_non_existent_data = False # when using providers with local coverage only, if you ask for a zone not covered then Bing will be used there instead
overpass_server_list={"1":"http://api.openstreetmap.fr/oapi/interpreter", "2":"http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter","3":"http://overpass.osm.rambler.ru/cgi/interpreter"}
overpass_server_choice=str(random.randint(1,2)) # replace with "1" or "2" if you really wish a specific one, default is now to split the burden between "1" and "2" ("3" seems problematic)
Instalai o Ortho4xp , mas ao iniciar, na "caixa preta", esta aparecendo uma msg - " global configuration file not found or corrupted, using factory defaults "
Suspeito que seja algo do arquivo .cfg ( ate cheguei alterar a desta de destino da mesma ) mas nao to encontrando nada na web que possa me ajudar a resolver.
Alguem faz ideia do que esta acontecendo?
Meu .cfg abaixo
# for v 1.19, September 12th 2016 #
# #
# Directory location (ADAPT to your settings !!!)
# I : To use the build overlay function
# Should be a level of directory just above Earth nav data
# and without trailing slash.
# For example, on Linux/Mac (remove the next # if applicable)
# default_sniff_dir = '/home/oscarpilote/XP10/Custom Scenery/zzz_HD_v3'
# or on Windows (remove the next # if applicable)
default_sniff_dir = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\zzz_HD_v3'
# II : The interface "Earth tile map" with right-clic allows you to add/remove
# symbolic link to tiles in your Custom Scenery dir.
# For that you need to tell me where it is located !
# For example under windows(remove the next # if applicable)
Custom_scenery_dir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery"
#or on Linux/Mac (remove the next # if applicable)
#Custom_scenery_dir="/media/oscarpilote/X-Plane-ssd/X-Plane-10/Custom Scenery"
# III : if you still wish to rely on gimp for masks (no longer required) otherwise leave as is
# use_gimp=True
# If so then indicate its path
# The next could be a good bet for Windows
#gimp_cmd="c:\\Program Files\\GIMP 2\\bin\\gimp-console-2.8.exe "
#This one for OS X
#gimp_cmd="/Applications/GIMP.app/Contents/MacOS/GIMP "
#And that one for Linux
#gimp_cmd="gimp "
# To have the interface appear with other default parameters at start up
build_dir = "default"
skip_downloads = False
skip_converts = False
verbose_output = True
clean_tmp_files = True
clean_unused_dds_and_ter_files = False
default_website = 'BI'
default_zl = 16
min_area = 0.01
sea_equiv = ['Étang de Berre','Estuaire de la Gironde','Lac Léman']
do_not_flatten_these_list = [] # e.g. ['LFPG','LFMN'] , these will be kept as computed from the elevation file (and probably a bit bumpy)
curvature_tol = 3 # Let us be on the very conservative side here, now that batch builders are out !
no_small_angles = False
water_overlay = True
water_option = 3 # 1 = X-Plane, 2 = Photoreal only, 3 = Mixed
ratio_water = 0.3
masks_width = 8 # one unit is approximately 10m
sea_texture_params = [] # example ['GO2',16], if you wish to use a different provider for the orthos over the sea (zonephoto tiles of french britany were done with this option)
complex_masks = False # is set to True the build_masks process will be longer (because mesh from all nearby tiles will be used), but will not "suffer" from boundary effects
use_masks_for_inland = False # if you want inland water to be treated like sea water (transparency based on a mask rather than fixed)
# This is really a matter of taste, this is just a sample
# to show the syntax, adapt to your taste. NOTE that it requires 'convert' from Imagemagick (otherwise not needed anymore).
contrast_adjust = {} # example {'BI':0,'FR':5,'IT':5}
brightness_adjust = {} # example {'BI':0,'FR':-5,'IT':5}
saturation_adjust = {} # example {'BI':0,'FR':10,'IT':10}
full_color_correction = {} # example {'CH':' -channel R -level 0%,100%,1.05 -channel B -level 0%,100%,0.97 '}
cover_airports_with_highres = False # If set to True then a high(er) ZL square zone around each airport (found at Step 1) will be added as a custom zoomlevel
cover_extent = 1 # extent (km) of the highres zones (added to the bbox containing each airport)
cover_zl = 18 # the zoomlevel used for these zones
# Additionnal parameters for more experienced users, or if something goes wrong perhaps the answer is here...
meshzl = 19 # The maximum ZL which the mesh will support (you can put a lower number if you do not need such zl)
hmin = 20 # Smallest triangle side-length
hmax = 2000 # Largest triangle side-length
smallest_angle = 5 # called min_angle in the graphical interface
water_smoothing = 2 # increase if you find the rivers are not smooth enough
tile_has_water_airport = False # Put to True if an airport with a water boundary does not turn flat correctly
keep_old_pre_mask = False # If set to True, then old unblured masks (whole_tile.png) are used directly without being regenerated before the bluring is made (speed increase if set to True)
use_additional_water_shader = False # remainder of a test, which was not that succesful
use_decal_on_terrain = False # if you want to use decal on top of the orthophoto, they can look good at small altitude
check_tms_response = True # Available as a checkbox in the interface, with it set to True some providers will lead to a dead loop of missed requests if data is not available. On the other hand with it set to False you may end up some times with a few corrupted textures with some white squares.
use_bing_for_non_existent_data = False # when using providers with local coverage only, if you ask for a zone not covered then Bing will be used there instead
overpass_server_list={"1":"http://api.openstreetmap.fr/oapi/interpreter", "2":"http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter","3":"http://overpass.osm.rambler.ru/cgi/interpreter"}
overpass_server_choice=str(random.randint(1,2)) # replace with "1" or "2" if you really wish a specific one, default is now to split the burden between "1" and "2" ("3" seems problematic)
nobru- Major
Inscrito em : 10/03/2011
Mensagens : 319
Reputação : 6
Idade : 41
Nacionalidade :
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