Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
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Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
A Carenado deu uma declaração recentemente que irá atualizar todas as suas aeronaves, o planejamento deles para cada aeronave atualizada será cerca de uma semana. Não se sabe quando irá começar estes updates porém acredito que será breve, segue a noticia deles:
From the Carenado X-Plane Forum
Carenado has released its first product on Steam: the Mooney M20J. The goal is, to move all the Carenado products onto that platform, hopefully contributing to elevated interest in the X-Plane platform.
Since the old planes have to be revisited/adapted anyway, we will be integrating some of the more important features that have come to our newer planes recently, namely support for the new GNS430 (integrated into 3D panel, with 3D manipulators), and scroll wheel support. Other minor fixes and improvements may make their way into the planes as well, although the time we can spend on this update procedure is limited. X-Plane 9 support will be dropped for this update.
So, starting with the Mooney, and making our way up to the latest plane, the planes will also eventually find their way to the Carenado site and resellers.
Now, some resellers have been better than others at updating the files on their server and sending out customer notifications ( has been THE best), but we hope that we can quickly work out any problems that may arise, once the updates start becoming available.
The hope is to release around one plane per week. With 21 Carenado products currently on the market, getting them all out there will be a process of around half a year. But having said that, especially the older planes may throw some significant curve balls our way, due to severely outdated source files and cumbersome authoring practices… so you may see some limitations in what can be implemented effectively in those old planes.
The last time we had a drawn-out update procedure like this, was to introduce 64-bit support, and it ended up taking up quite a bit of time, brain space, frustration, and energy… which we would have otherwise used to develop new products and technologies. No doubt we can expect something similar again in this case, although we will try our utmost to continue scheduled production.
That is the exciting AND the frustrating thing about X-plane: it is still under active development. That throws challenges our way, but they're also opportunities, which we hope to make the most of.
I don't think there's much overlap between Steam and the rest of the X-plane community… so if any of you users would feel inclined to jump into the conversation about this on the Steam forums, offer reviews, guidance, tips or support, or even welcome newcomers into the X-Plane forum world, it might contribute to more great things coming to X-Plane down the road.
Em minha opinião uma bela atualização, antes tarde do que nunca. Vamos lá Carenado, espero muito de vocês!
From the Carenado X-Plane Forum
Carenado has released its first product on Steam: the Mooney M20J. The goal is, to move all the Carenado products onto that platform, hopefully contributing to elevated interest in the X-Plane platform.
Since the old planes have to be revisited/adapted anyway, we will be integrating some of the more important features that have come to our newer planes recently, namely support for the new GNS430 (integrated into 3D panel, with 3D manipulators), and scroll wheel support. Other minor fixes and improvements may make their way into the planes as well, although the time we can spend on this update procedure is limited. X-Plane 9 support will be dropped for this update.
So, starting with the Mooney, and making our way up to the latest plane, the planes will also eventually find their way to the Carenado site and resellers.
Now, some resellers have been better than others at updating the files on their server and sending out customer notifications ( has been THE best), but we hope that we can quickly work out any problems that may arise, once the updates start becoming available.
The hope is to release around one plane per week. With 21 Carenado products currently on the market, getting them all out there will be a process of around half a year. But having said that, especially the older planes may throw some significant curve balls our way, due to severely outdated source files and cumbersome authoring practices… so you may see some limitations in what can be implemented effectively in those old planes.
The last time we had a drawn-out update procedure like this, was to introduce 64-bit support, and it ended up taking up quite a bit of time, brain space, frustration, and energy… which we would have otherwise used to develop new products and technologies. No doubt we can expect something similar again in this case, although we will try our utmost to continue scheduled production.
That is the exciting AND the frustrating thing about X-plane: it is still under active development. That throws challenges our way, but they're also opportunities, which we hope to make the most of.
I don't think there's much overlap between Steam and the rest of the X-plane community… so if any of you users would feel inclined to jump into the conversation about this on the Steam forums, offer reviews, guidance, tips or support, or even welcome newcomers into the X-Plane forum world, it might contribute to more great things coming to X-Plane down the road.
Em minha opinião uma bela atualização, antes tarde do que nunca. Vamos lá Carenado, espero muito de vocês!
Douglas.Matos- Major-Brigadeiro
Inscrito em : 17/01/2013
Mensagens : 3102
Reputação : 167
Idade : 29
Simulador preferido : Fsx-SE
Emprego/lazer : Auxiliar Administrativo / Financeiro / Suporte e Manutenção Hardware
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Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Espero que resolvam o problema do som do 20J em 64 bits e as texturas da hélice em 64 bits de outros modelos.
I5-750 2.66ghz, 4gb ram, w7, Geforce GTX470 1.2gb
Ghost- Coronel
Inscrito em : 28/07/2011
Mensagens : 1645
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Simulador preferido : x-plane 10
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Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Gostei de saber, ainda bem que voltaram atrás na decisão.
Ghost, o que ainda tem para resolver com as texturas de hélice?Isso já não é problema em nenhum V2, todos funcionam bem no 64 bits.
Ghost, o que ainda tem para resolver com as texturas de hélice?Isso já não é problema em nenhum V2, todos funcionam bem no 64 bits.
Carvalho- Moderador
Inscrito em : 15/04/2008
Mensagens : 5670
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Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Carvalho escreveu:Gostei de saber, ainda bem que voltaram atrás na decisão.
Ghost, o que ainda tem para resolver com as texturas de hélice?Isso já não é problema em nenhum V2, todos funcionam bem no 64 bits.
Eu não vejo a hora deles começarem arrumar mesmo, estava na hora isso em?
Em relação ao problema do Ghost, como nosso amigo Carvalho falou, todos já estão arrumado pelo que eu saiba
Douglas.Matos- Major-Brigadeiro
Inscrito em : 17/01/2013
Mensagens : 3102
Reputação : 167
Idade : 29
Simulador preferido : Fsx-SE
Emprego/lazer : Auxiliar Administrativo / Financeiro / Suporte e Manutenção Hardware
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Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Hum... Espero que o próximo seja o PA46 e depois o Sêneca II
eduphn- Coronel
Inscrito em : 20/04/2011
Mensagens : 1096
Reputação : 48
Idade : 44
Simulador preferido : MSFS, X-Plane e
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Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Saiu a primeira atualização já pessoal, segue elas:
Email da carenado:
"Now that X-Plane 10.30 is final and stable, designers are starting to update their fleet to take advantage of the new features provided in 10.30. This week Carenado has published an update for five of their planes:
Mooney 20J, PA32 Saratoga, C152II, C172 Skyhawk and PA28 Archer
All these aircraft take full advantage of X-Plane 10.30, including the new GNS430 for some of them. ( they are not compatible with previous versions of X-Plane. X-Plane 10.30 is required).
If you want your 10.30 planes, get them while they are hot."
Email da carenado:
"Now that X-Plane 10.30 is final and stable, designers are starting to update their fleet to take advantage of the new features provided in 10.30. This week Carenado has published an update for five of their planes:
Mooney 20J, PA32 Saratoga, C152II, C172 Skyhawk and PA28 Archer
All these aircraft take full advantage of X-Plane 10.30, including the new GNS430 for some of them. ( they are not compatible with previous versions of X-Plane. X-Plane 10.30 is required).
If you want your 10.30 planes, get them while they are hot."
Douglas.Matos- Major-Brigadeiro
Inscrito em : 17/01/2013
Mensagens : 3102
Reputação : 167
Idade : 29
Simulador preferido : Fsx-SE
Emprego/lazer : Auxiliar Administrativo / Financeiro / Suporte e Manutenção Hardware
Nacionalidade :
Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Douglas.Matos escreveu:Saiu a primeira atualização já pessoal, segue elas:
Email da carenado:
"Now that X-Plane 10.30 is final and stable, designers are starting to update their fleet to take advantage of the new features provided in 10.30. This week Carenado has published an update for five of their planes:
Mooney 20J, PA32 Saratoga, C152II, C172 Skyhawk and PA28 Archer
All these aircraft take full advantage of X-Plane 10.30, including the new GNS430 for some of them. ( they are not compatible with previous versions of X-Plane. X-Plane 10.30 is required).
If you want your 10.30 planes, get them while they are hot."
Que legal que soltaram logo cinco aeronaves de uma vez, para mim nessa leva só C172 Skyhawk, porém essa aeronave não está equipada com GNS430, devem ser outras melhorias não listadas (seria bom que listassem)... Que venham logo os próximos!
eduphn- Coronel
Inscrito em : 20/04/2011
Mensagens : 1096
Reputação : 48
Idade : 44
Simulador preferido : MSFS, X-Plane e
Nacionalidade :
Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Douglas.Matos escreveu:Saiu a primeira atualização já pessoal, segue elas:
Email da carenado:
"Now that X-Plane 10.30 is final and stable, designers are starting to update their fleet to take advantage of the new features provided in 10.30. This week Carenado has published an update for five of their planes:
Mooney 20J, PA32 Saratoga, C152II, C172 Skyhawk and PA28 Archer
All these aircraft take full advantage of X-Plane 10.30, including the new GNS430 for some of them. ( they are not compatible with previous versions of X-Plane. X-Plane 10.30 is required).
If you want your 10.30 planes, get them while they are hot."
Como faço para baixar a atualização da aeronave?
No caso eu tenho o Cessna 172.
Core i3 2120 3.3 GHz / Geforce 750 2Gb GDDR5 / 6GB RAM DDR3 / Monitor 24"
geonobre- Major
Inscrito em : 11/06/2013
Mensagens : 287
Reputação : 6
Idade : 45
Simulador preferido : X-Plane 10
Emprego/lazer : Químico / Simulação de Voo
Nacionalidade :
Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Geonobre: Só entrar na sua conta onde comprou e realizar o novo download da aeronave (ou qualquer coisa enviar um email para a Carenado)
Douglas.Matos- Major-Brigadeiro
Inscrito em : 17/01/2013
Mensagens : 3102
Reputação : 167
Idade : 29
Simulador preferido : Fsx-SE
Emprego/lazer : Auxiliar Administrativo / Financeiro / Suporte e Manutenção Hardware
Nacionalidade :
Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Que bom.
Nova vida aos carenados!
Nova vida aos carenados!
MB: Asus P8Z77-V
CPU: i7 3770K 4.5 Ghz
SSD: 240 GB Raid0 only XP10
Mem: 16GB RAM 1.600Mhz
VGA: GTX 670 2GB
Carcinogen- Coronel
Inscrito em : 15/05/2008
Mensagens : 1739
Reputação : 115
Idade : 43
Simulador preferido : X-Plane 10
Emprego/lazer : Funcionário Público
Nacionalidade :
Re: Carenado - Atualização Aeronaves (GNS430 e Scroll Wheel)
Vai ser um belo "Up" da Carenado agora fim do ano
Douglas.Matos- Major-Brigadeiro
Inscrito em : 17/01/2013
Mensagens : 3102
Reputação : 167
Idade : 29
Simulador preferido : Fsx-SE
Emprego/lazer : Auxiliar Administrativo / Financeiro / Suporte e Manutenção Hardware
Nacionalidade :
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