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FTX Global Vector LANÇADO!!! Gse_multipart13851

FTX Global Vector LANÇADO!!!

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FTX Global Vector LANÇADO!!! Empty FTX Global Vector LANÇADO!!!

Mensagem por Rafael Mendrot Sex 27 Dez 2013, 05:23

Bom pessoal, trago uma grande notícia, foi lançado o FTX Global Vector com suporte ao FSX/P3D V1 e V2. Mais informações e compra do produto no site.

"Upgrade your Detail!

FTX Global VECTOR, which is the culmination of over two years of R&D and GIS data development now combined into a single product to cover your whole Flight Simulator X or Prepar3D world with superb new vector details like never before achieved on a global scale. FTX Global VECTOR is a partnership project between Orbx and Austrian company PILOT’s. The version of Vector you have is the download-only version exclusive to Orbx and specifically designed to work with both FTX Global BASE and FTX Global openLC as part of a total simulator overhaul.So the difference between what you had before and after Vector is quite remarkable; we like to compare it to a complete simulator upgrade, similar to the huge improvement FTX Global BASE’s textures provided.

Accurate coastlines, rivers, lakes and other water bodies. Vector uses new shoreline and beach textures to add more realism which provides a more integrated and natural appearance
Motorways, freeways, main arterials roads, roundabouts – all with moving vehicle traffic and specific underlays and skirtings to blend in better with landclass textures
Golf courses, city parks and forests
Extrusion bridges and tunnel entrances
Tram lines where applicable, railway lines and railway yards
Power lines using default models
Corrected airport elevations for all default airports
Ports and docks concrete textures

So the difference between what you had before and after Vector is quite remarkable; we like to compare it to a complete simulator upgrade, similar to the huge improvement FTX Global BASE’s textures provided."

Link para a compra na FlightsimStore.

FTX Global Vector LANÇADO!!! 427486
Rafael Mendrot
Rafael Mendrot

Inscrito em : 17/03/2013
Mensagens : 439
Reputação : 3
Idade : 26
Simulador preferido : FSX
Emprego/lazer : Acadêmico de Meteorologia UFPA
Nacionalidade : Brasil

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FTX Global Vector LANÇADO!!! Empty Re: FTX Global Vector LANÇADO!!!

Mensagem por harmach Sex 27 Dez 2013, 05:28

Obrigado pela informação, mas acho que já foi anunciado aqui:


Inscrito em : 29/01/2011
Mensagens : 1403
Reputação : 125
Idade : 49
Simulador preferido : P3D / XP11
Emprego/lazer : Professor
Nacionalidade : Brasil


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