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Resentium - Global Earth X-Plane 11 Gse_multipart13851

Resentium - Global Earth X-Plane 11

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Resentium - Global Earth X-Plane 11 Empty Resentium - Global Earth X-Plane 11

Mensagem por cernoski Seg 20 maio 2019, 20:18

Por acaso alguém já adquiriu esse novo produto? Acredito ser bem interessante, embora caro.


A new era of representation of reality for X-Plane 11

Global Earth will make the world of  X-Plane very exciting. It will create a whole new perspective of the simulator.
Until now X-Plane has not seen such products.

The product has three main parts:
1- The first part - a lot of variable non-tile textures of the earth's terrain.
2- The second part is an improved autogen. No need to talk about it: You just need to see the screenshots.
3- And the third main part of the product is realistic forests and trees with true density and real color tones.

But the Resentium development team didn't stop there and made a very convenient and user-friendly software for installation product.

Main features:
Highly detailed custom terrain textures whole the world
High resolution of all terrain textures whole the world
Highly detailed mountains area
Removed sharp transitions between different terrain textures
Work well with any mesh for x-plane 11
Improved autogen textures
Improved facades textures
New night lightning from autogen
Autogen has realistic color shades
Partial application of PBR technology to autogen
Well visible from height the color of houses roofs
Work well with Ortho4XP
Realistic dense forests
Gorgeous trees color


Inscrito em : 07/05/2016
Mensagens : 18
Reputação : 3
Idade : 48
Simulador preferido : X-Plane 11
Nacionalidade : Brasil

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