Melhorando a água do P3Dv2.1
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Melhorando a água do P3Dv2.1
Estava pesquisando como melhorar a aparência das águas dos mares na versão 2.1 e consegui descobrir como deixar as ondas (com Dx11 e tesselation ativados) bem melhores. Porém não sei como anexar esse arquivo aqui para que todos possam testar, é um arquivo com 546 linhas achei muito grande para copiar e colar num post, aguardo orientações de como compartilhar isso com todos.
Re: Melhorando a água do P3Dv2.1
virtualroutes escreveu:Estava pesquisando como melhorar a aparência das águas dos mares na versão 2.1 e consegui descobrir como deixar as ondas (com Dx11 e tesselation ativados) bem melhores. Porém não sei como anexar esse arquivo aqui para que todos possam testar, é um arquivo com 546 linhas achei muito grande para copiar e colar num post, aguardo orientações de como compartilhar isso com todos.
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Re: Melhorando a água do P3Dv2.1
Obrigado pela dica!
Bom, a edição que sugiro fazer fará com que as ondas pareçam bem mais realistas, com qualquer intensidade de vento, mesmo com ventos fortes o mar não vai parecer estar em ebulição.
Na pasta ..\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\3rd Party\TritonResources tem o arquivo Triton.config que deve ser feito um backup, caso deseje voltar ao original.
Abaixo segue o novo Triton.config com as alterações, para funcionar o tesselation deve estar ativado.
Opcionalmente, pode-se baixar o SDK do triton
Após instalar, na pasta Resources, podem copiar e substituir os arquivos do SDK, mas apenas os mais recentes!
Espero que gostem, estou usando com o REX mas tem algumas configurações das ondas que não ficam muito legais, então testem com a texture default ou outra menos brilhosa do REX mesmo.
Bom, a edição que sugiro fazer fará com que as ondas pareçam bem mais realistas, com qualquer intensidade de vento, mesmo com ventos fortes o mar não vai parecer estar em ebulição.
Na pasta ..\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\3rd Party\TritonResources tem o arquivo Triton.config que deve ser feito um backup, caso deseje voltar ao original.
Abaixo segue o novo Triton.config com as alterações, para funcionar o tesselation deve estar ativado.
Opcionalmente, pode-se baixar o SDK do triton
Após instalar, na pasta Resources, podem copiar e substituir os arquivos do SDK, mas apenas os mais recentes!
Espero que gostem, estou usando com o REX mas tem algumas configurações das ondas que não ficam muito legais, então testem com a texture default ou outra menos brilhosa do REX mesmo.
- Triton.config:
- # Triton's configuration file - this is read at initialization time, so restart Triton
# after making changes here.
General Settings
# Set this to yes for troubleshooting - additional error information may be sent
# to your debugger's output window.
enable-debug-messages = no
# With this, error messages will pop up in an alert box. Useful for troubleshooting
# installed applications in the field where you don't have a debugging environment
enable-debug-alert-messages = no
# The default resolution of the projected grid used to render the ocean geometry
# Note, this should be an odd number to make the horizon line align with a row
# edge. Set this higher to reduce aliasing artifacts when moving, or lower to
# gain more performance.
default-grid-resolution = 513
# In geocentric / ECEF coordinate systems, the altitude (in meters) below which
# we switch to a planar approximation of the local surface to avoid precision issues
grid-planar-height = 2000
# Whether the water surface is drawn as double sided. This is needed for when the
# camera is inside wave troughs, but may cause some anomalies when the water is
# both rough and transparent.
grid-double-sided = no
# Adjustment to the water height when switching from ellipsoid to planar representations
# to account for precision loss
planar-adjust = 0
# Controls how aggressively the projected grid is expanded to prevent clipping at the corners
# when the camera rotates.
grid-clip-factor = 3.0
# The maximum amount the projected grid is allowed to expand to allow for wave displacements
# close to the surface. Setting this too high results in a loss of resolution and more
# aliasing when close to the ocean surface, but setting it too low could result in the
# ocean surface not filling the screen.
max-allowable-displacement = 2.0
# A nudge on the horizon line in screen space to avoid precision issues in the vertex programs.
grid-horizon-offset = 0.001
# Whether Triton makes a copy of your height map (set via Environment::SetHeightMap) into
# system memory, to ensure height queries reflect coastal effects. Set to yes for accurate
# height queries near shoreline, or no to avoid the overhead and blocking associated with
# this copy.
do-height-map-copy = yes
# Length of vector used for intersection tests.
intersection-vector-length = 100000.0
# Length of vector used for testing whether the camera is above water.
intersection-vector-length-above-water = 100000.0
# Length of vector used for projecting the ocean grid onto a geocentric ocean surface.
intersection-vector-length-projection = 100000.0
# Whether to prevent Triton from drawing into the alpha channel
alpha-mask = no
# The shader file in the resources folder where user lighting overrides reside.
# (OpenGL only)
user-shader-functions-filename = user-functions.glsl
# The maximum distance across which Triton will estimate the slope of the terrain
# when computing an automatic breaking wave direction.
max-slope-distance = 1000.0
Settings for volumetric decals on the water
# Size of the depth texture created for use with volumetric decals
depth-texture-size = 512
# Depth offset value for volumetric decals
decal-depth-offset = -0.001
# Horizontal scale of the volume used to render the decal (used to prevent clipping in
# seas.)
decal-volume-scale = 1.0
# Height of the volume used to render the decal (must be as high as your roughest seas.)
decal-volume-height = 15.0
# If your depth range is mapped to something other than [0,1], set this to yes to cause
# Triton to query for the actual depth range instead of assuming [0,1]. This can cause
# a pipeline stall so it's best avoided.
decal-get-depth-range = no
Settings for system compatibility
# Forces Triton to use the CPU-based FFTSS library for the FFT transforms, which
# has no special system requirements or DLL dependencies. If you're having any trouble
# getting Triton to work on your system, try setting this to yes as a first step, then
# start disabling individual FFT methods to narrow down the problem.
fft-force-cpu = no
# Explicitly disable the use of CUDA 4.0 and CUFFT to conduct FFT's on NVidia systems.
disable-cuda = yes
# Explicitly disable the use of Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives library to
# conduct FFT's.
disable-ipp = no
# Explicitly disable the use of OpenCL on ATI systems running with the OpenGL renderer.
disable-opencl = yes
# Explicitly disable the use of DirectX 11 Compute Shaders (AKA DirectCompute) on
# feature level 11 hardware with the DirectX11 renderer.
disable-compute-shader = no
Settings for the Tessendorf FFT wave model
# The dimensions of the tileable 2D array of wave points simulated. As FFT's are
# expensive, you don't want to make this too high - and there's no point in computing
# a grid that exceeds the resolution of the ocean's projected grid geometry in
# screen space anyhow. Larger grid dimensions can let you create larger grid sizes
# that reduce tiling, but we overlay some noise to hide tiling artifacts anyhow.
# Must be a power of 2.
fft-grid-dimension-x = 256
fft-grid-dimension-y = 256
# The size the FFT grid covers in world units. Larger values will reduce tiling,
# but stretching out the grid such that it's below the resolution of the underlying
# ocean geometry will interfere with your ability to render higher frequency waves.
# With these default settings where the size matches the FFT dimensions, we have a
# maximum resolution of 1 meter in the wave simulation. Note that many cards will not
# support mip-mapping on floating point textures larger than 256, so artifacts may result
# from increasing this.
fft-grid-size-x = 256
fft-grid-size-y = 256
# If multiple GPU's are present, attempt to run FFT calculations in parallel across them
# when using CUDA. Only enable this if you are on x64. Bandwidth seems to be the bottleneck
# with the FFT's, so this doesn't actually help much today.
fft-enable-multi-gpu = no
# Whether to use an approximation of the sqrt() function when computing the wave heights.
# This will gain you some performance, but at the expense of accuracy of wave heights at high
# wind speeds (they will be a bit too small with this on.)
fft-use-sqrt-approximation = yes
# The "Phillips constant" described in Jerry Tessendorf's paper "Simulating Ocean Waves"
# from 1999. It influences the height of the waves as a function of wind speed. We couldn't
# find a good reference for what this should be set to from a physical standpoint, but
# arrived at this value experimentally as a good match for the wave heights described
# for specific wind conditions in the Beaufort scale. This value is only used with the
# TESSENDORF wave model.
fft-phillips-constant = 0.000005
# The constant used when using the JONSWAP model. As above, this influences the wave heights.
fft-phillips-constant-jonswap = 0.000091
# The constant used when using the Pierson-Moskowitz model. As above, this influences the
# wave hieghts.
fft-phillips-constant-pierson-moskowitz = 0.0000102
# The lowest floating point number allowed when calculating JONSWAP waves.
fft-precision-limit = 1E-9
# Toggles whether "choppy" waves are enabled for the CPU-based FFT transform.
# Choppiness is always enabled if OpenCL, CUDA, or DirectCompute are in use.
fft-enable-choppiness = yes
# The default choppiness of the waves - that is, how pointy the wave crests are.
# A value of zero would give you sinusoidal waves, but you don't want to set this too
# high either - the waves will start intersecting themselves if you start setting this
# above 3.0 or so depending on the conditions.
fft-choppiness = 3.1415
# The default simulated depth of the water in meters. At large depths such as this
# default value in meters, depth doesn't really play a role in the simulation, so it's
# not important to set this accurately for open ocean simulations - it just needs to be
# a big number.
fft-depth = 100000.0
# Controls the amount of Perlin noise blended with the FFT patch to avoid tiling
fft-noise-amplitude = 0.2
# The distance in meters at which noise gets blended in to the wave displacements to hide tiling
fft-noise-distance = 500.0
# The distance in meters at which we start to dampen wave displacement (but not normals and the lighting)
# in order to avoid shimmering artifacts when rolling
fft-displacement-damping-distance = 800.0
# The lod bias to apply to the ocean texture to prevent aliasing / motion artifacts 0.8.
fft-lod-bias = 0.5
# Triggers whether the slope of the ocean at each point is computed via FFT's of their own
# instead of being computed by the surrounding points. This yields more accurate results,
# but at a high cost. This setting only affects the CPU-based FFT transforms; if OpenCL,
# CUDA, or DirectCompute are in use, this setting is ignored and will always be "no".
fft-exact-normals = no
# A setting to filter out waves travelling against the wind. For waves that appear more
# directional, increase this as low as 0.0. For waves that look totally chaotic, set this
# as high as 1.0.
fft-reflection-filter = 0.2
# The maximum chop to apply to waves when computing height queries. Limits discontinuities
# from overestimating the sample offset due to local choppiness.
fft-height-max-chop = 1.8
# Factor used to exaggerate or dampen swells set via SetDouglasSeaState or AddSwell.
swell-multiplier = 1.4
Settings for geocentric coordinate systems
# The equatorial radius of the earth used for the WGS84 coordinate system
equatorial-earth-radius-meters = 6378137.00
# The polar radius of the earth used for the WGS84 coordinate system
polar-earth-radius-meters = 6356752.3142
# The mean radius of the earth used for the spherical coordinate system
mean-earth-radius-meters = 6371009
Settings for the Gerstner wave model
# Used only with the Gerstner wave model, to fade out high-frequency waves with distance.
grid-anti-aliasing = 1.0
# The number of simultaneous waves in the Gerstner wave model. As each wave is computed
# in the vertex program, this can't get too large. If you're after large numbers of waves,
# use the Tessendorf wave model instead.
# Important! If you change this setting, you must also change the MAX_WAVES definition
# in the Gerstner shader files in the resources directory to match it.
num-gerstner-waves = 7
# The default steepness of the waves in the Gerstner wave model, which controls their "choppiness."
gerstner-wave-steepness = 2.1415
# Default wavelength of the Gerstner waves
gerstner-median-wavelength-meters = 1973.0
# Default amplitude of the Gerstner waves
gerstner-median-amplitude-meters = 27.14
# Default variance in the directions of the Gerstner waves
gerstner-directional-variance-degrees = 32.0
Ocean color settings
# The RGB color of the light refracted into the water that does not reflect the sky.
# These default settings are reasonable for deep ocean; for shallow water you may want
# to blend in the color of the sea floor. The presence of plankton and other properties
# can make this color specific to a location; i.e. you may want to make this more green
# for inviting tropical waters.
refract-color-red = 0.0
refract-color-green = 0.4
refract-color-blue = 0.3
# The specular exponent for sun reflections in the water.
shininess-opengl = 5.0
shininess-directx = 90.0
# The default fog color for above and below the water
default-fog-color-above-r = 1.0
default-fog-color-above-g = 1.0
default-fog-color-above-b = 1.0
default-fog-color-below-r = 0.0
default-fog-color-below-g = 0.2
default-fog-color-below-b = 0.3
# The default visibility in meters for above and below the water
default-visibility-above = 1000000000.0
default-visibility-below = 100.0
Foam settings
# Controls the creation of foam on areas of the water that have high slopes. Only
# honored in CPU-based FFT water models or with Gerstner water models; if OpenCL, CUDA,
# or DirectCompute are in use, foam is always on.
do-foam = yes
# The size of the projected foam texture in meters. Needs to be big enough such that
# tiling isn't obvious.
foam-scale = 500.0
# The prominence of the foam. 0 = invisible
foam-blend = 1.0
Spray settings
# Enables spray particle effects at crests of choppy waves
fft-enable-spray = no
# Number of spray particles maintained at any given time
fft-max-sprays = 30000
# Maximum number of new spray particle systems generated in one frame
fft-spray-budget = 10
# The point at which the Jacobian of the FFT grid will spawn spray.
# Values less than 1.0 result in more spray, greater than 1.0 in less.
fft-spray-threshold = 1.2
# The gravity force pulling the spray particles down, in meters per second squared.
fft-spray-gravity = 9.81
# The distance at which spray particles will be culled, in meters.
fft-spray-cull-distance = 300.0
# The amount of variance in spray particle directions, as a percent of the nominal velocity
fft-spray-direction-variance = 0.4
# The initial velocity of a spray particle, which is multiplied by the wind speed
fft-spray-velocity = 1.0
# The randomness in the initial velocities, as a percent of nominal velocity
fft-spray-velocity-variance = 1.0
# The distance in which the spray particle origin will lead in the wave direction, in meters.
fft-spray-position-lead = 1.5
# The randomness in spray particle positions, in meters
fft-spray-position-variance = 1.0
# The distance below the ocean surface that spray particles are centered at, in meters.
fft-spray-origin-depth = 1.0
# Controls the likelihood of an individual spray particle being spawned each frame.
# 0 means every particle is spawned all the time, higher numbers result in lower particle
# creation rates. Must be an integer.
fft-spray-sparsity = 6
# The size of a spray particle in meters.
fft-spray-particle-size = 10.0
# The randomness of a particle size in meters
fft-spray-particle-size-variance = 1.5
# The initial transparency of the spray particles. 0 = transparent, 1 = opaque.
fft-spray-transparency = 0.15
# Whether to force use of point sprites under OpenGL (vs. triangles). If the max point sprite
# size isn't large enough (usually the case with NVidia), Triton will fall back to triangles
# unless this is set to "yes". Point sprites are more efficient however.
spray-force-point-sprites = no
# Whether particles use a purely additive blending function (ONE, ONE) as opposed to
# a softer (ONE, ONE_MINUS_SRC) function. If you're using Triton with HDR, you'll need
# to set this to "yes" to avoid negative color values.
particles-pure-additive-blend = no
Ship wake settings
# The distance travelled, as a % of the ship length, at which a prop wash segment
# is emitted
wake-wave-generation-distance = 0.5
# The rate of prop wash emission will be increased when a ship is on curved paths.
# This factor controls how strong an effect this has. It multiplies the turn angle,
# and the cosine of the result is used to modulate the generation distance.
wake-wave-curve-generation-factor = 4.0
# The time interval in seconds in which a wake emits a spray effect
wake-spray-generation-period = 0.1
# Exponent for decaying wave amplitude with wave radius
wake-wave-decay = 0.33333
# The maximum number of Kelvin wake wavelengths that may be displayed at once.
max-wake-waves-dx9 = 5
max-wake-waves-dx11 = 5
max-wake-waves-opengl = 5
# Whether 3D Kelvin wakes emanating from the ship are rendered. This places extra load
# on the vertex programs, so if you don't need this, set it to "no"
wake-kelvin-wakes = yes
# The maximum number of circular waves from impacts or rotor wash that may be
# displayed at once.
max-circular-waves-dx9 = 5
max-circular-waves-dx11 = 10
max-circular-waves-opengl = 10
# The maximum number of prop wash segments that may be displayed at once.
max-prop-wash-dx9 = 25
max-prop-wash-dx11 = 25
max-prop-wash-opengl = 25
# Whether propeller backwash trails (aka turbulent wake) behind the ship are rendered
# This places extra load on the vertex programs, so if you don't need this,
# set it to "no"
wake-propeller-backwash = yes
# Default width of prop wash effect as a multiple of the ship beam width
prop-wash-default-width-multiplier = 1.5
# The length, in meters, after which the turbulent wake disspates entirely
wake-wash-length = 500
# Adjusts the initial amplitude of wake waves
wake-wave-scale = 1.0
# The maximum number of spray particle systems to run at any given time
wake-max-sprays = 300
# Whether spray particle systems are culled when not in view.
wake-cull-sprays = yes
# The number of particles per spray particle system. The total number of particles
# for wake sprays is this times wake-max-sprays.
wake-spray-particles = 10
# The average size of a spray particle
wake-spray-particle-size = 13.0
# The size variation of a spray particle (ie, 0.2 means +- 20%)
wake-spray-size-variation = 0.2
# The variation in spray particle velocity (0.2 = 20%)
wake-spray-velocity-variation = 0.4
# The variation in spray particle initial positions, in meters.
wake-spray-position-variation = 7.0
# The variation in spray direction (0.2 = 20%)
wake-spray-direction-variation = 0.5
# The time new wake waves fade in (to prevent discontinuities - in seconds.)
wake-fade-in-time = 1.0
# Transparency of wake spray particles
wake-spray-transparency = 0.3
# The minimum amplitude of a wake wave before it is discarded
wake-wave-min-amplitude = 0.02
# The maximum amplitude of a wake wave before it is clamped
wake-wave-max-amplitude = 1.5
# The minimum length of a prop wash segment
min-prop-wash-segment-length = 10.0
# Scaling factor on prop wash widths
prop-wash-scale = 0.5
# A boost in the initial elevation of new wake spray particles.
wake-spray-elevation = 0
Rotor wash settings
# The time interval in seconds in which a wash emits a wave
wash-wave-generation-period = 2.0
# The time interval in seconds in which a wash emits a spray effect
wash-spray-generation-period = 0.1
# The diameter of the wash effect, as a multiple of the rotor diameter
wash-size = 1.0
# Parameter to allow adjustment of the wind strength at the water surface
# from the wash, to result in larger or smaller waves from the wash
wash-wind-scale = 2.0
# The maximum wind velocity used to model waves and particle effects
wash-max-velocity = 8.0
# The particle size used for the rotor wash spray
wash-spray-particle-size = 6.0
# Transparency of the wash spray particle
wash-spray-transparency = 0.3
# Exponent for decaying wave amplitude with radius
wash-wave-decay = 1.1111
# The time, in seconds, in which an individual rotor wash decal fades away.
wash-decal-period = 3.0
# The minimum and maximum scale of the rotor wash decals over the wash-decal-period.
wash-decal-min-scale = 1.0
wash-decal-max-scale = 5.0
Impact settings
# The number of particle systems generated when an Impact is triggered
impact-num-sprays = 10
# The scale applied to the impact's force based on its velocity and mass
impact-energy-scale = 0.0000009
# The upper bound on simulated impact energy (beyond this the particle systems just
# fly apart.)
impact-max-energy = 20
# The random variation in positions of sprays from the impact
impact-spray-position-variation = 2.0
# Transparency of an impact spray particle
impact-spray-transparency = 0.2
# Exponent for decaying wave amplitude with radius
impact-wave-decay = 0.33333
Mesh settings
# Optionally use a conventional mesh to draw the ocean below a certain
# altitude instead of a projected grid.
# Whether to switch to a conventional mesh or not
use-mesh = no
# The resolution of the mesh per side
mesh-grid-resolution = 512
# The altitude at which we switch to a planar mesh
mesh-switch-altitude = 100
# How far out the mesh extends
mesh-size = 50000
Re: Melhorando a água do P3Dv2.1
"Reativando o tópico"
alguém já testou com prepar3d v2.3 ?
alguém já testou com prepar3d v2.3 ?
Última edição por Alvega em Qui 04 Set 2014, 22:01, editado 1 vez(es) (Motivo da edição : Escrever "Reativando o tópico" como pede a regra 21 do fórum.)
Allandeivid- Primeiro-Tenente
Inscrito em : 25/08/2014
Mensagens : 64
Reputação : 0
Idade : 41
Simulador preferido : Prepar3d
Emprego/lazer : Autônomo
Nacionalidade :
Re: Melhorando a água do P3Dv2.1
Caro Allandeivid, por favor tenha atenção às regras do fórum:
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21. Quando um tópico estiver sem respostas há MAIS DE UM MÊS, evite fazer postagens nele. Não é recomendável trazer de volta uma discussão que já terminou. Se achar que o assunto voltou a ser relevante e que o tópico antigo pode ser reaproveitado, escreva em negrito "Ressuscitando tópico" ou "Reativando tópico" no início da sua mensagem. Usuários que ressuscitem tópicos sem conteúdo adicional relevante ou que não escrevam "Ressuscitando tópico" no início da mensagem serão advertidos.
Esta regra não se aplica aos fóruns "Parceiros", "Aproximações Difíceis", "Reviews", "Cockpits Caseiros" e "Sondagens".
Vou editar o seu post para ficar de acordo com a regra.
Artur Santos
Voo Virtual
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