Falhas e Falhas estão tentando sabotar minha CIA?
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Falhas e Falhas estão tentando sabotar minha CIA?
Pessoal depois de muitos voos consegui finalmente chegar com minha empresa aerea no FS Pax aos 99,60% todos que usam esse software sabe como é dificil conseguir este feito,porem nos meus ultimos 4 voos pare-se que o FS Passengers esta tentando fazer eu errar de qualquer maneira,tive 4 falhas seguidas tanto em pouso,decolagem e durante o voo,porem eu consegui administrar todas muito bem e ganhei mais Pontos de Bonus,porem estou com medo de o FsPassengers me aprontar uma falha de motor Geral(nunca sofri essa pane ainda)mas ja sofri de tudo,aqui vai o Log dos ultimos voos e gostaria de saber se vocês que usam o FSPax ja passaram por isso
Flight ID: SA415
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Bruno Rodrigues O da Silva
Company: Star Aliance V
Aircraft: Airbus A321 Turkish TC-JRY
Flight Date: February 28 2013
Departure: 07h56 (06h56 GMT)
Arrival: 09h21 (08h21 GMT)
From: EDDF - Frankfurt/Main - Germany
To: EPKK - Balice - Poland
Nbr of Passengers: 182
Incident Report:
Post-flight analysis suggests one engine developed a problem and the oil temperature started to rise gradually. Fortunately, the oil temperature did not reach a critical level and the engine did not shutdown. There was an exceptional pilot on board and despite the dire situation he was able to land the aircraft safely.
Flight Distance: 799 km Landing Speed: 275.95 Km/h
Time Airborne: 01h13:08 Landing Touchdown: -266.15 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 01h25:57 Landing Pitch: 6.03°
Time On Ground: 00h16:08 Landing Weight: 74579 kg
Average Speed: 655.79 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 4116 kg
Climb Time: 00h16:24 Climb Fuel Used: 2238 kg
Cruise Time: 00h28:14 Cruise Fuel Used: 1066 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 821.35 Km/h (M0.72) Cruise fuel/hour: 2265 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h28:30 Descent Fuel Used: 811 kg
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$48,695 (799 km)
Cargo Income: +$18,709 (7802 kg)
Services Income: +$826 (1 sandwich 0 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -$743 (100% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$8,536 (600 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$6,606 (4116 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$256 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$2,884 (4.28% rate)
Total Real Income: $66,277
Total Income: $3,313,850 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $3,499,571 (33 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $6,813,421 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price good, the service price good and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.26% (+0.07 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 680 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+600)
Nesse voo aqui eu ia sair para Yakatenburg porem...... trem de pouso não recolheu tive que voltar e o tempo estava horrivel nevando forte e com rajadas porem tudo certo
Flight ID: SA977
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Bruno Rodrigues O da Silva
Company: Star Aliance V
Aircraft: Airbus A321 Turkish TC-JRY
Flight Date: March 01 2013
Departure: 13h11 (11h11 GMT)
Arrival: 13h25 (11h25 GMT)
From: UUDD - Domodedovo - Russia
To: UUDD - Domodedovo - Russia
Nbr of Passengers: 168
Incident Report:
The pilot was unable to retract the landing gear after take off. The pilot was able to land the aircraft safely. The Captain has also declared an emergency before landing.
Flight Distance: 2 km Landing Speed: 274.10 Km/h
Time Airborne: 00h11:32 Landing Touchdown: -167.69 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 00h25:49 Landing Pitch: 5.58°
Time On Ground: 00h18:44 Landing Weight: 75790 kg
Average Speed: 11.51 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 1785 kg
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$124 (2 km)
Cargo Income: +$51 (7802 kg)
Services Income: +$0 (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -$0 (100% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$9 (250 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$2,664 (1785 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$222 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$11 (6.39% rate)
Total Real Income: $-2,713
Total Income: $-135,650 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $0 (33 aircraft ,no flights today)
Total Sim Income: $-135,650 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect,the tickets price good,passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.39% (+0.06 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 450 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
A problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+250)
Nesse aqui na chegada a Koltsovo os Flaps não extenderam porem o fly by wire me ajudou consideravelmente a pousar o avião numa velocidade maior não se se consiguira tal feito com o NGX
Flight ID: SA588
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Bruno Rodrigues O da Silva
Company: Star Aliance V
Aircraft: Airbus A321 Turkish TC-JRY
Flight Date: March 01 2013
Departure: 09h37 (07h38 GMT)
Arrival: 13h26 (09h26 GMT)
From: UUDD - Domodedovo - Russia
To: USSS - Koltsovo - Russia
Nbr of Passengers: 171
Incident Report:
The flaps remained locked in the retracted position. The pilot was able to land the aircraft safely. The Captain has also declared an emergency before landing.
Flight Distance: 1'422 km Landing Speed: 311.14 Km/h
Time Airborne: 01h43:32 Landing Touchdown: -210.00 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 01h59:49 Landing Pitch: 9.21°
Time On Ground: 00h18:24 Landing Weight: 72750 kg
Average Speed: 824.41 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 5201 kg
Climb Time: 00h18:27 Climb Fuel Used: 2406 kg
Cruise Time: 00h59:18 Cruise Fuel Used: 2148 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 961.80 Km/h (M0.85) Cruise fuel/hour: 2173 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h25:47 Descent Fuel Used: 647 kg
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$81,384 (1'422 km)
Cargo Income: +$33,296 (7802 kg)
Services Income: +$2,078 (0 sandwich 1 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -$1,837 (100% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$10,128 (400 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$7,953 (5201 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$177 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$7,218 (6.29% rate)
Total Real Income: $109,701
Total Income: $5,485,050 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $5,792,454 (33 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $11,277,504 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price good, the service price good and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.44% (+0.06 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 630 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+400)
Essa aqui voi uma das falhas mais sinistras o peneu estorou depois do pouso
Flight ID: SA966
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Bruno Rodrigues O da Silva
Company: Star Aliance V
Aircraft: Airbus A321 Turkish TC-JRY
Flight Date: March 01 2013
Departure: 13h44 (09h44 GMT)
Arrival: 14h11 (13h11 GMT)
From: USSS - Koltsovo - Russia
To: EFHK - Vantaa - Finland
Nbr of Passengers: 169
Incident Report:
The plane took off with some tires under-inflated and one tire exploded when landing. The pilot was able to land the aircraft safely.
Flight Distance: 2'092 km Landing Speed: 272.24 Km/h
Time Airborne: 03h23:22 Landing Touchdown: -276.15 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 03h35:07 Landing Pitch: 4.50°
Time On Ground: 00h13:19 Landing Weight: 73724 kg
Average Speed: 617.49 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 9237 kg
Climb Time: 00h26:39 Climb Fuel Used: 2911 kg
Cruise Time: 02h25:48 Cruise Fuel Used: 5317 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 762.03 Km/h (M0.67) Cruise fuel/hour: 2188 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h30:55 Descent Fuel Used: 1008 kg
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$118,439 (2'092 km)
Cargo Income: +$48,987 (7802 kg)
Services Income: +$2,054 (0 sandwich 1 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -$1,817 (100% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$11,176 (300 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$13,517 (9237 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$165 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$10,370 (6.19% rate)
Total Real Income: $154,787
Total Income: $7,739,350 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $8,173,095 (33 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $15,912,445 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price good, the service price good and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.49% (+0.05 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 380 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+300)
enfim minha configuração de falhas é a menor possivel tanto que elas aconteciam uma vez o outra mas agora foi 4 direto,e tudo isso na minha estreia na Russia.... Agora vou levar o A321 de volta para istambull e vamos ver o que vai dar
Flight ID: SA415
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Bruno Rodrigues O da Silva
Company: Star Aliance V
Aircraft: Airbus A321 Turkish TC-JRY
Flight Date: February 28 2013
Departure: 07h56 (06h56 GMT)
Arrival: 09h21 (08h21 GMT)
From: EDDF - Frankfurt/Main - Germany
To: EPKK - Balice - Poland
Nbr of Passengers: 182
Incident Report:
Post-flight analysis suggests one engine developed a problem and the oil temperature started to rise gradually. Fortunately, the oil temperature did not reach a critical level and the engine did not shutdown. There was an exceptional pilot on board and despite the dire situation he was able to land the aircraft safely.
Flight Distance: 799 km Landing Speed: 275.95 Km/h
Time Airborne: 01h13:08 Landing Touchdown: -266.15 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 01h25:57 Landing Pitch: 6.03°
Time On Ground: 00h16:08 Landing Weight: 74579 kg
Average Speed: 655.79 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 4116 kg
Climb Time: 00h16:24 Climb Fuel Used: 2238 kg
Cruise Time: 00h28:14 Cruise Fuel Used: 1066 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 821.35 Km/h (M0.72) Cruise fuel/hour: 2265 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h28:30 Descent Fuel Used: 811 kg
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$48,695 (799 km)
Cargo Income: +$18,709 (7802 kg)
Services Income: +$826 (1 sandwich 0 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -$743 (100% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$8,536 (600 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$6,606 (4116 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$256 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$2,884 (4.28% rate)
Total Real Income: $66,277
Total Income: $3,313,850 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $3,499,571 (33 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $6,813,421 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price good, the service price good and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.26% (+0.07 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 680 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+600)
Nesse voo aqui eu ia sair para Yakatenburg porem...... trem de pouso não recolheu tive que voltar e o tempo estava horrivel nevando forte e com rajadas porem tudo certo
Flight ID: SA977
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Bruno Rodrigues O da Silva
Company: Star Aliance V
Aircraft: Airbus A321 Turkish TC-JRY
Flight Date: March 01 2013
Departure: 13h11 (11h11 GMT)
Arrival: 13h25 (11h25 GMT)
From: UUDD - Domodedovo - Russia
To: UUDD - Domodedovo - Russia
Nbr of Passengers: 168
Incident Report:
The pilot was unable to retract the landing gear after take off. The pilot was able to land the aircraft safely. The Captain has also declared an emergency before landing.
Flight Distance: 2 km Landing Speed: 274.10 Km/h
Time Airborne: 00h11:32 Landing Touchdown: -167.69 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 00h25:49 Landing Pitch: 5.58°
Time On Ground: 00h18:44 Landing Weight: 75790 kg
Average Speed: 11.51 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 1785 kg
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$124 (2 km)
Cargo Income: +$51 (7802 kg)
Services Income: +$0 (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -$0 (100% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$9 (250 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$2,664 (1785 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$222 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$11 (6.39% rate)
Total Real Income: $-2,713
Total Income: $-135,650 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $0 (33 aircraft ,no flights today)
Total Sim Income: $-135,650 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect,the tickets price good,passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.39% (+0.06 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 450 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
A problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+250)
Nesse aqui na chegada a Koltsovo os Flaps não extenderam porem o fly by wire me ajudou consideravelmente a pousar o avião numa velocidade maior não se se consiguira tal feito com o NGX
Flight ID: SA588
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Bruno Rodrigues O da Silva
Company: Star Aliance V
Aircraft: Airbus A321 Turkish TC-JRY
Flight Date: March 01 2013
Departure: 09h37 (07h38 GMT)
Arrival: 13h26 (09h26 GMT)
From: UUDD - Domodedovo - Russia
To: USSS - Koltsovo - Russia
Nbr of Passengers: 171
Incident Report:
The flaps remained locked in the retracted position. The pilot was able to land the aircraft safely. The Captain has also declared an emergency before landing.
Flight Distance: 1'422 km Landing Speed: 311.14 Km/h
Time Airborne: 01h43:32 Landing Touchdown: -210.00 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 01h59:49 Landing Pitch: 9.21°
Time On Ground: 00h18:24 Landing Weight: 72750 kg
Average Speed: 824.41 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 5201 kg
Climb Time: 00h18:27 Climb Fuel Used: 2406 kg
Cruise Time: 00h59:18 Cruise Fuel Used: 2148 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 961.80 Km/h (M0.85) Cruise fuel/hour: 2173 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h25:47 Descent Fuel Used: 647 kg
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$81,384 (1'422 km)
Cargo Income: +$33,296 (7802 kg)
Services Income: +$2,078 (0 sandwich 1 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -$1,837 (100% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$10,128 (400 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$7,953 (5201 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$177 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$7,218 (6.29% rate)
Total Real Income: $109,701
Total Income: $5,485,050 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $5,792,454 (33 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $11,277,504 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price good, the service price good and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.44% (+0.06 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 630 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+400)
Essa aqui voi uma das falhas mais sinistras o peneu estorou depois do pouso
Flight ID: SA966
Flight Type: Normal
Pilot: Bruno Rodrigues O da Silva
Company: Star Aliance V
Aircraft: Airbus A321 Turkish TC-JRY
Flight Date: March 01 2013
Departure: 13h44 (09h44 GMT)
Arrival: 14h11 (13h11 GMT)
From: USSS - Koltsovo - Russia
To: EFHK - Vantaa - Finland
Nbr of Passengers: 169
Incident Report:
The plane took off with some tires under-inflated and one tire exploded when landing. The pilot was able to land the aircraft safely.
Flight Distance: 2'092 km Landing Speed: 272.24 Km/h
Time Airborne: 03h23:22 Landing Touchdown: -276.15 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 03h35:07 Landing Pitch: 4.50°
Time On Ground: 00h13:19 Landing Weight: 73724 kg
Average Speed: 617.49 Km/h Total Fuel Used: 9237 kg
Climb Time: 00h26:39 Climb Fuel Used: 2911 kg
Cruise Time: 02h25:48 Cruise Fuel Used: 5317 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 762.03 Km/h (M0.67) Cruise fuel/hour: 2188 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h30:55 Descent Fuel Used: 1008 kg
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are relieved to have landed safely after the extreme weather they experienced during landing.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$118,439 (2'092 km)
Cargo Income: +$48,987 (7802 kg)
Services Income: +$2,054 (0 sandwich 1 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -$1,817 (100% quality)
Emergency Bonus: +$11,176 (300 failure point)
Fuel Cost: -$13,517 (9237 kg Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -$165 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$10,370 (6.19% rate)
Total Real Income: $154,787
Total Income: $7,739,350 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $8,173,095 (33 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $15,912,445 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price good, the service price good and the service quality perfect, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 99.49% (+0.05 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 380 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
A problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+300)
enfim minha configuração de falhas é a menor possivel tanto que elas aconteciam uma vez o outra mas agora foi 4 direto,e tudo isso na minha estreia na Russia.... Agora vou levar o A321 de volta para istambull e vamos ver o que vai dar
Última edição por Brunobrslive em Sex 01 Mar 2013, 15:55, editado 1 vez(es)
Macbook PRO 14 M1 PRO
Powered By Xplane
Bruno Rodrigues- Tenente-Coronel
Inscrito em : 24/02/2012
Mensagens : 980
Reputação : 74
Idade : 34
Simulador preferido : Xplane 11
Emprego/lazer : Profissional de T.I
Nacionalidade :
Re: Falhas e Falhas estão tentando sabotar minha CIA?
Lembro que dependendo do setup do programa tinha que fazer manutenção nas aeronaves em uma das abas lá. Não é isso que falta?
Paulo Stavis- Major-Brigadeiro
Inscrito em : 07/04/2011
Mensagens : 3247
Reputação : 718
Idade : 32
Simulador preferido : P3Dv4
Nacionalidade :
Re: Falhas e Falhas estão tentando sabotar minha CIA?
não todas elas com a manutenção em dia,nem deixo elas chegarem nas manuençãoi das 25horas
Macbook PRO 14 M1 PRO
Powered By Xplane
Bruno Rodrigues- Tenente-Coronel
Inscrito em : 24/02/2012
Mensagens : 980
Reputação : 74
Idade : 34
Simulador preferido : Xplane 11
Emprego/lazer : Profissional de T.I
Nacionalidade :
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